Something different… and important: Our Earth and How We are Hurting Her

Earth Pollution

What do you want, the left or right?


This post will be something different to what I usually post about. Usually I post about Indian football but today I will be writing about an issue that is very close to my heart and that is the Earth, the beautiful rock that we are sitting on today.

Unfortunately, we are hurting that rock. Ever since the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, China has been expanding its reach in terms of trade and has now, as of 2009, become the leading country when it comes to trading. What are they trading? Nike sneakers, toy cars, our laptops and televisions… a lot of things and unfortunately they are not created in sanitary conditions.

In 2014, pollution levels reached levels that were 20 times the safe limit in China and most of it comes from the industry which makes the products Americans use. Honestly, it is sickening. I can understand wanting to increase your production and at the same time lower your costs but does it really have to come at the cost of the planet? Is greed really that strong on big corporations like Nike? Don’t they have enough money? Looks like not.


Believe it or not, it is a clear sunny day in China.


What can be done to change this? Honestly, I see the only way out is if there is major reform in the way industries work, new safety and environmental standards created but that would require spending money in ways the big corporates would not want to.

This is the world we sadly live in today, there is no care for being humble but care for profits and money… we see this today with football as day by day, the big European clubs like Chelsea and Bayern Munich get richer while the small guy has to grasp for the leftovers.

Palace protest

We see this in football as well… money poisons people.


Former Derby County and Leeds United manager, Brian Clough, once said “Football is all about money now.” and he was right, except that today that sentence would read “The world is all about money now.” Sadly, that money is having an adverse affect on our world as we speak.